
What's On The Table? News Stories from April 2024

May 01, 2024 Lutherans For Life
What's On The Table? News Stories from April 2024
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What's On The Table? News Stories from April 2024
May 01, 2024
Lutherans For Life

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Table Talks 4 Life are BACK! This week the Y4Life Team is joined by Lizzie Gatchell from CUC4Life to talk about what's been in the news recently. From the 'Dignitas Infinita' recently released by the Vatican to a 28 year old woman opting to end her life through euthanasia to what actor Aaron Taylor Johnson has to say about fatherhood, we'll discuss a wide variety of life issues from a Gospel-motivated perspective. Join us as we talk about what's on the table!

Michelle's news stories:
Vatican's 'Dignitas Infinita' Draws 'Clear Line' on Gender Theory, Receives Widespread Praise
Declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith “Dignitas Infinita” on Human Dignity, 08.04.2024

Lizzie's news story:
Woman, 28, Opts for Euthanasia Rather Than Living with Mental Illness: 'I'm a Little Afraid of Dying'

Cori's news story:
Hollywood Actor's Fatherhood Reflection: 'It's Your Duty to Be Their Role Model'

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Show Notes

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Table Talks 4 Life are BACK! This week the Y4Life Team is joined by Lizzie Gatchell from CUC4Life to talk about what's been in the news recently. From the 'Dignitas Infinita' recently released by the Vatican to a 28 year old woman opting to end her life through euthanasia to what actor Aaron Taylor Johnson has to say about fatherhood, we'll discuss a wide variety of life issues from a Gospel-motivated perspective. Join us as we talk about what's on the table!

Michelle's news stories:
Vatican's 'Dignitas Infinita' Draws 'Clear Line' on Gender Theory, Receives Widespread Praise
Declaration of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith “Dignitas Infinita” on Human Dignity, 08.04.2024

Lizzie's news story:
Woman, 28, Opts for Euthanasia Rather Than Living with Mental Illness: 'I'm a Little Afraid of Dying'

Cori's news story:
Hollywood Actor's Fatherhood Reflection: 'It's Your Duty to Be Their Role Model'

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