
The Theology of Technology with Jocelyn Benson

Lutherans For Life

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Technology is just a tool, they say.  We should make good use of tools, and almost all tools have a good use, they say.  But, what about artificial intelligence? Is artificial intelligence just a tool, or is there something more we should consider?

You are made in the image of God. You are one for whom Christ died. All else flows from this, including our use of technology, but especially our use of artificial intelligence.  If you do a concordance search for “artificial intelligence,” you won’t find those words in your Bible, but God actually has much to say about this ever-changing technology. Mrs. Jocelyn Benson joins us to teach us about the theology of technology this week on the Youth4Life Podcast.


Jocelyn Benson grew up in Fort Dodge, Iowa, attending Lutheran school through 8th grade. She has a B.A. in English-teaching and an M.A. in Educational Psychology from the University of Northern Iowa. She also completed three and a half years of doctoral work in Educational Psychology with emphases in Technology and Education and History/Foundations of Education at the University of Iowa. She loved teaching English and coaching many sports at the high school level before returning to school full time. Jocelyn lives in Chatfield, MN, with her husband, Justin, and their four children—Asher, Malachi, Ephraim, and Miriam.

In her free time, Mrs. Benson enjoys spending time with her family, reading, watching sports (especially college football), and spending time outside. 

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